Finding Meaning and Purpose Amidst The Busy-ness of Life.

How you spend the time in your day impacts your quality of life in all areas; body, mind, and soul.

I often need to remind myself that I am a human “being”, not a human “doing”. I feel as though my days are spent running around, crossing items off of my never-ending to-do list. I have to consciously remind myself to slow down, take a breath, and appreciate all that I am and all that I am surrounded by. Does this sound familiar?

Each of us fulfill different roles, or “occupations” in our day and in our lives. This could be the occupation of being a: Mother, Father, Daughter, Teacher, Volunteer, Athlete, Student, Spouse, Coach, Caregiver, and so on. Occupation does not simply refer to our “day job”, it also refers to the everyday life activities that we engage in that give our life meaning and purpose. Occupations are what shape our identities and influence our overall health and wellbeing. This is the substance that makes us tick. This is the force that drives us and gives us energy. This is what shines a light on all that we do and why we do it. This is why I became an Occupational Therapist. This is why I became a Health and Wellness Coach.

Meaning and Purpose are gi-normous topics, however I believe they can be boiled down and simplified, and it will look differently for every single person. We all have insight into the occupations that personally bring meaning into our lives and we can all probably envision roles in our lives that bring us a sense of “feel-good” purpose. But admittedly, sometimes the tedious everyday activities get in the way…laundry, figuring out what to prep for meals, the same routine day in and day. While it feels good to check off these items as done ✅, they rarely bring fulfillment or purpose.

So how do you ignite the spark for furthering and developing meaning & purpose?? Good question. Below are 6 things that work for me (and also happen to be backed by science!):

  1. Reconnect With Mother Nature.

    Just 20 minutes a day is enough to experience physical and mental health benefits, as well as the perk of boosting creativity and the feel-good hormones (serotonin and endorphins) and lowering stress hormones (cortisol).

  2. Find Awe.

    Awe is the feeling of being overwhelmed by something larger than the self. It can be helpful to zoom out and realize the day to day stuff may not be so consequential after all.

  3. Find Inspiration.

    People, books, Ted Talks, podcasts. Wherever and however you find it, soak it up and see how contagious it is.

  4. Never Stop Learning.

    Learning can come in so many different forms if we remain open to new experiences, offerings, and viewpoints, and maintain a growth-mindset.

  5. Move Your Body.

    I always feel better after moving my body. Always. How many times have you said “I wish I hadn’t gone for that walk (or yoga class, etc.). It shifts the energy in my body and just feels good.

  6. Stay Socially Connected.

    Social connection is the key to overall wellbeing. Even for us introverts. Doesn’t mean you have to go hang out with huge groups of people all day (unless that’s your thing), just having a few solid relationships in your life is enough.

What else works for you in your search for a meaningful and purposeful life that you can you add to this list?


Habits With Purpose: Mindfully noticing your thinking and feeling habits.


Using Your Senses to Become More Mindful