Create a Ripple Effect With Radiating Change
This may sound dramatic, but every choice you make from the moment you wake up impacts the outcome of your day.
One of the theories that provides a framework for Occupational Therapy is called Dynamic Systems Theory. Within a dynamic system even a small shift in one component can cause unpredictable and complex changes in a system (such as a human being). This change is known as ✨radiating change✨.
Radiating change can either be negative or positive change. These changes can cause your day to spiral up or spiral down 🌀.
Here’s an example of radiating change that can lead to a downward spiral:
You hit the snooze button and wake up late. There is no time for your exercise routine or morning meditation. In a mad dash to get out the door, you skip breakfast. At work your energy tanks so you grab a cup of coffee to give you energy. Your brain and focus are sluggish for the rest of the work day. After work you pick up the kids and snap at them because your patience is fried and everyone is tired and hungry. You pick up pizza because it’s quick and easy. You never get your exercise in today, but at this point you think, “why bother, it’s been a crappy day”…and so on….
I can definitely relate to the above scenario! It happens to all of us.
Here’s an example of radiating change that can lead to an upward spiral:
You wake up at your planned time. You have a healthy breakfast, go onto Insight Timer and do a 10 minute guided meditation. You even squeeze in a walk around the block with the dog. The work day goes smoothly, you feel focused and have a solid lunch. After the kids come home, there are many trying moments but you are able to handle them with composure. Your meal plan for tonight goes as planned and you’re feeling like a rockstar.
I can also relate to this scenario, and this one feels way better!
As you go about your day(s) ahead, become aware of the small actions that have the potential to impact your next action. Will these actions set you on an upward or downward spiral? Once you become aware of the radiating and compacting nature of your actions, begin to tailor your routines so the trajectory is towards more upward spirals! 🌀