Health & Wellness Coaching | Occupational Therapy
It’s your turn.
Time to focus on you.
Redefine & Redesign your lifestyle
one small step at a time.
Decrease stress and overwhelm.
Feel healthier, more fulfilled, AND more productive.
Spend your time doing MORE of the things you want to do and LESS of the things you don’t.
I help people redefine and redesign their lifestyle so they can feel less stressed, less overwhelmed, more fulfilled, and believe it or not, more productive.
Envision it.
Maybe you want a more balanced lifestyle that is about more than just work. Maybe you want a lifestyle that embraces more play, more self care, more movement, more rest. Maybe you want a lifestyle that allows you to feel more peaceful, more energized, more vibrant, and more alive.
How do you envision your desired lifestyle?
Design it.
Providing kindness and compassion for ourselves is essential to overall health and wellness. By sensibly prioritizing our own self-care needs, we are able to better assist others. Self-care activities include healthy eating, movement & exercise, relaxation, leisure tasks, social engagements, stress management, and more.
What does your body and soul need to thrive?
Grow it.
Developing self-awareness and self-efficacy can lead to revelations in the areas of personal & professional growth. Want to use your creativity to start a new project? Yearning to explore a different career path? Or rediscover the passion for your current profession? You’re never too old and it’s never too late for growth.
What do you aspire to most in life?
“Be the designer of your world and not merely the consumer of it.”
James Clear
Hi, I’m Stephanie.
With over 20 years in healthcare and a deep desire to help people, I fully understand the struggle of wanting a healthy lifestyle that matches your values, as well as the challenges of maintaining balance and order in a busy life and in a busy world.
By blending my career as an Occupational Therapist with Health & Wellness Coaching, I now help people become the masters of their own life goals and pursuits.
