Pause & Reset: It only takes a moment.
How many times do you pause in a day? Not the major rest or meal breaks, but the smaller pauses that allow you to recollect yourself in the moment so you can proceed. Some pauses in your day may be barely-noticeable. These same micro-pauses can be harnessed and optimized to help bring you into the present moment, and even have a balancing and calming effect. After the pause, you may notice some extra space and perspective to choose how you want to move forward into the next moment.
Don’t think you have a the time to pause? It doesn’t take long…Here are 4 ways to pause & reset in 60 seconds or less!
Equal ratio breathing: In between your inhale and exhale, there are two natural pauses. The pause at the top of your breath is an experience of fullness. The pause at the end of the exhale is an experience of emptiness. Take 1 minute to breathe in for a count 2-4, pause at the top for a count of 2-4, exhale for a count of 2-4, and pause at the bottom for 2-4. Really notice the pauses at the top and bottom.
Do a body scan: Start at your feet and work your way up to the top of your head. Where do you feel tightness? Notice your shoulders, jaw, forehead (these are common areas we hold tension). Focus on relaxing these areas.
Become aware of your senses: What do you smell? How does your body feel in whatever position you are in? What are you touching in the moment? What can you see around you? What do you hear? Any taste in your mouth?
Stand up and move: If you are in a situation where you can, walk around. Or stand up and move your body any way that feels good.
After reading this, I invite you start to notice and become aware of a couple of things: 1. Where do these pauses occur naturally that you can capitalize on? and 2. When would it benefit you to volitionally create a pause?
As time goes on, these pause & resets will become more natural and habitual and your mind, body, & soul will begin to shine a little brighter!